PDFing Home PageConfigure PDFing
As delivered, PDFing provides initial values for the parameters that determine how spooled-files will be processed. This form allows you to change these parameter values to suit your own particular requirements. Click on the main [File|Configure] menu-option to open the configuration form for PDFing.
Each "tab" on the top of the form allows you to select a particular page of this form. Each of the destination, convert, paper, message, security, system, smtp2, advanced and log pages contain a set of related configuration options. This document describes only the most important options on each page. Please refer to the program help-files for detailed information.
If you want to process a spooled-file using PDFing's advanced features, you must create a "markup file". Our programming web-page describes how to specify when this markup file is to be used.

Use the destination page to specify the destination of the converted spooled-files. Please note that email addresses should not be specified as the default destination unless the SMTP parameters on the [System] page have been set to the correct values. Certain special characters can be used to represent particular attribute values of a spooled-file. When these special characters are specified as (part of) a configuration parameter, they are replaced at run-time by values derived from the spooled-file being converted. 

PDFing Configuration Top
Send to Destination
Specify the default destination for the documents. This can be a disk storage location, email address or email addresses separated by a semi-colon (;) character. See the Supported Destinations section of our programming document for further details.

Destination Type Button
Click the button for visual confirmation of the destination type.

Create Folders ?
If the destination is a disk storage location, this control allows you to specify whether the folder must exist or can be created by PDFing. Select YES if you want to create the folder in which documents are to be saved. Select NO if the folder must exist.

Hold before Mail ?
Select YES if you want documents with an email destination to be "Held" in a queue, where they can be released for emailing after you have had a chance to check the converted spooled-file and email address. Select NO if you want documents with an email destination to be sent to that destination automatically, without user intervention.

Notify Address.
It is possible to save documents to disk and also email a notification of the file location. Specify an email address here for the recipient of the notification. This address is only used when the Send to Destination specifies a disk storage location. This address is ignored when the Send to Destination specifies e-mail addresses.

Notify + Attachments.
Select YES if you also want to send the converted spooled-files as attachments to the notification email.

Notify URL
Specifies the "root" URL of the web-server that can serve documents saved to disk. If the special characters &R are entered in email subject or body text thay are replaced by this URL concatenated with the saved document's file-name.

Document name
Specifies the file name (without extension) for files saved to disk or emailed.

Rename duplicate files
Specifies, for files saved to disk, the action to take when a file of the same name already exists. Specify OLD to rename all older files of the same name. Specify NEW to rename the latest file.

For (generations)
Specifies the maximum number of times files can be renamed. Any files with (re) names past this maximum, will be deleted.

Specifies the character(s) that are prefixed to the generation number. When renaming occurs this prefix plus generation-number will be appended to the file name.

Edit Printer
Click on this button to show the edit-printer sub-form. This form and the other printing controls are further described in our printer documentation.

Markup defaults
Specify values here that determine how  a markup may be automatically selected. The Markup defaults options are further described in  our programming page.

Use the convert page to specify the file format(s) to which spooled-files should be converted.

PDFing Configuration Top
Convert to PDF ?
Select YES or PDF/A, if you require that the PDF files from the conversion of spooled-files to PDF are to be saved to disk and/or emailed. Select NO to specify that the PDF should neither be saved to disk nor emailed.

PDF Compression.
Selects the degree of compression applied to PDF documents. In most cases this should be set to "MAX" for maximum compression. However if you chose to archive the PDF file inside a ZIP file, then compression should be set to MIN for minimum compression

Use OS400 Dimensions.
Provided a spooled-file has been written from an output-queue configured as DESTTYPE(*OS400) PDFing can use the page-size, font-size and margin dimensions specified in the spooled-file itself. Select "YES" to use the OS400 dimensions (if available). Select "NO" to use the page size specified on the paper page. This option only applies to "un-transformed" *SCS spooled-files.

Convert to RTF ?
Select YES, if you require conversion of spooled-files to RTF (Rich-text-format). This format is useful as most word-processing programs can open this file type. This option only applies to "un-transformed" *SCS spooled-files.

Convert to ASCII ?
Select YES, if you require conversion of spooled-files to plain ascii text.

Ascii extension is .txt ?
By default spooled-files converted to ascii text files have a file extension of .asc. Select YES to specify that the file extension is .txt instead.

Ascii Form Feeds ?
By default spooled-files converted to ascii text files contain the ascii form-feed character to indicate the end of each page of text. Select NO to specify that the form-feed character is not required.

Convert to Excel ?
Select YES , if you require conversion of spooled-files to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file. Spooled-file conversion to Excel requires that an "example" excel file, containing a L4X script, exists in the \Markup directory.

Excel Example
Enter the name (without extension) of the "example" excel file to be used. If you select one of the pre-defined special values; *FILENAME, *USRPRF, *FORMTYPE or *USERDATA, then the the corresponding attribute value from each spooled-file will be used to search, in the \Markup directory, for an excel-file with a matching name. For instance, if you select *FILENAME as a default markup and create an excel-file named QPRINT.xlsx in the \Markup directory, then every time a spooled-file named QPRINT is received PDFing will convert the spooled-file to excel, using the L4X script in this "example" excel-file.

Archive in ZIP ?
Select YES , if you require the files resulting from the conversion of spooled-files to be archived within a ZIP file. This format has the advantage of containing multiple files inside a single file. The ZIP file may also be password protected.

ZIP Password
Enter text in this control when you require the contents of the ZIP file to be password protected. Only users who know this password text will be able to inspect the archived files.

Use the paper page to specify the page-size of the PDF files. PDFing will attempt to automatically select page-size. The Portrait dimensions are used when a document is longer than it is wide.

These dimensions are used when "un-transformed" *SCS spooled-files are processed and the "Use OS400 Dimensions" control on the [Convert] page is set to NO.

PDFing Configuration Top
You may select Points, Inches or Centimeters as the unit-of-measure in which paper sizes are defined.

Darker Font ?
Specify YES to make PDF text appear darker. This may be helpful if your users think the default font appears too light.

Landscape Length
Enter the length (vertical dimension) of the landscape page here.

Landscape Width
Enter the width (horizontal dimension) of the landscape page here.

Landscape Top Margin
Enter the length of the top margin of the landscape page here.

Landscape Left Margin
Enter the width of the left margin of the landscape page here.

Landscape Bottom Margin
Enter the length of the bottom margin of the landscape page here.

Landscape Right Margin
Enter the width of the right margin of the landscape page here.

Portrait Length
Enter the length (vertical dimension) of the portrait page here.

Portrait Width
Enter the width (horizontal dimension) of the portrait page here.

Portrait Top Margin
Enter the length of the top margin of the portrait page here.

Portrait Left Margin
Enter the width of the left margin of the portrait page here.

Portrait Bottom Margin
Enter the length of the bottom margin of the portrait page here.

Portrait Right Margin
Enter the width of the right margin of the portrait page here.

Use the message page to specify the subject and body text of the email messages sent by PDFing. Certain special characters can be used to represent particular attribute values of a spooled-file. When these special characters are specified as (part of) a configuration parameter, they are replaced at run-time by values derived from the spooled-file being converted. 

PDFing Configuration Top
Enter the email subject text here.

Enter the email body text here.

Specify the name of a plain text or html file that contains text that is to appear after the attachments. You must create this file in the \PDFing\Markup directory.

The default type, PLAIN is for plain body text. If the body text HTML code, then select HTML.

Receipt Required
Select YES to request that the email recipient should return a receipt-message.

Maximum Attachment
Specify the maxiumum size (in KiloBytes) of files attached to an email.

Select YES to specify that all email addresses should be processed as "blind copies", so that no email addresses will be displayed in received emails.

Send via server ?
Select *ANY to specify that any SMTP servers can send an email, select 1 to specify that the server specified on the [System] page is the preferred server, select 2 to specify that the server specified on the [SMTP2] page is the preferred server. On the markup form, if 1 or 2 is selected, then the specified server must be used.
Reply to
Specify the address that the client replies to. By default the email recipient will reply to the "From Address" on the [System] or [SMTP2] pages.

Use the security page to specify the encryption/protection and digital-signature options to be applied to PDF files produced by PDFing.

The encryption settings on this page are only effective when using a copy of PDFing which has been licensed as the NT Service version. If your copy of PDFing is not licensed in this way, then any password you enter is always replaced by Easy when the PDF is secured.

PDFing Configuration Top
Master Password
Enter the "change security settings" password here. If you set any security restrictions in your file you should also specify a change security setting password (master password) otherwise anyone who opens the file with the full version of Acrobat can remove the security restrictions.

User Password
Enter the "open document" password here. This password should be different from the master password entered above.

Printing Allowed ?
Select NO, if you wish to prevent users printing the PDF file.

Changing Allowed ?
Select NO, if you wish to prevent users editing the PDF file.

Copying Allowed ?
Select NO, if you wish to prevent users copying text or graphics from the PDF file.

Notes Allowed ?
Select NO, if you wish to prevent users adding notes or comments to the PDF file.

128 Bit Encryption ?
Select YES, if you wish the strongest possible encryption algorithm to be used. Please note that PDF files protected by 128 bit encryption can only be opened by Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or above.
Digital signature controls
Please refer to our digital-signature document for more details.

Use the system page to specify the email server you use to send emails. You will need to supply the mail-server's host-name or IP address and values for the other parameters, as listed below the image. When disgnosing errors or tuning the connection specifying a SMTP Log File will be helpful.

PDFing Configuration Top
Server Name
Enter the Internet address or name of your SMTP server here. Please note that PDFing will not automatically dial-up a remote server.

Enter the port number that PDFing will use to communicate with your SMTP Server. The default value of 25 will generally be correct for non SSL servers.

ESMTP User Name
Some mail servers require that PDFing supply authentication information before allow connection. If your mail-server requires authentication then specify an authorised user name here.

Select SSL-Explicit to make a SSL (secure) connection to the server. Some servers (like gmail) require SSL-implicit.

ESMTP Password
If your mail-server requires authentication then specify the password for the ESMTP user name here.

Emails per log-on
Enter the number of messages that may be sent to the server in one session.

Enter the time (in seconds) that PDFing will wait for a response from the mail server, before reporting an error.

Enter the maxiumum speed in kilobytes per second for sending email. Specify 0 for no maxiumum speed.

Enter the number of times that PDFing will re-try after failure. If PDFing cannot send a document after the specified number of tries, then an error will be reported.

Delay Before Retry
Enter the time (in seconds) before each retry after a failure.

Encoding ?
The default base64 encoding is always correct, for some servers binary encoding will permit faster email sending.

From Address
The email address that the receiving email client will see as the sender of the email. For some servers this address must be in the same domain as the server.

Select YES, if you require PDFing to be ready to send emails as soon as the program is started.

Local server ?
If YES is selected and all to-addresses of an email are in the same domain as the "from address", then this server will be the preferred server to send the email.

Server for domains
Enter domain names in this control (each domain on a separate line).  If any to-addresses of an email are in this list of domain(s), then this server must be used to send the email.

The EBCDIC/ASCII options are described in detail on our national-languages page.

Use the SMTP2 page to specify another SMTP server. The controls on this page are the same as the [System] page, exceptiing the Auto-start and Local server controls which are absent.

PDFing Configuration Top

Use the advanced page to specify (when required) the advanced operation options

PDFing Configuration Top
LPD Auto-Start ?
Select YES, if you require the interactive version of PDFing to be ready to process OS400 spooled-files as soon as the program starts.

LPD Port
Enter the port number that PDFing will use to listen for incoming spooled-files. You should not change the LPD port from its default value of 515, unless you know how to make OS400 send spooled-files to another port!

LPD Time-Out
Enter the time (in minutes) that PDFing will wait for data from OS400 once a print job has started. If you are processing exceptionally large spooled-files, you may need to increase the time-out value.

LPD Socket-Delay
Enter the time (in milliseconds) before PDFing responds to data received from OS400. This value may be changed, if you find that the spooled-files are being written from OS400 at a faster rate than PDFing can convert and e-mail them, thus giving a false impression of progress to OS400 operators. Values of up to 10,000 milliseconds should not cause OS400 any problems but please use caution!

Use the log page to specify how long PDFing will keep its work files and the logging that PDFing will perform.

PDFing Configuration Top
Log LPD Activity ?
Select YES to log LPD activity and preserve the spooled-file text that arrives from OS400. If PDFing can convert all your spooled-files correctly, you should select YES in order to reduce disk-space requirements.

SMTP Log File
Enter the name of a file where PDFing will log SMTP activity. If specified, this log file may be reviewed (using notepad)  when diagnosing email errors or tuining connection speeds. 

Keep Attachments ?
Select YES to preserve the converted spooled-files after these files have been stored to disk or sent as email attachments. You may select NO in order to reduce disk-space requirements but this is not advisable, except in extreme circumstances.

Keep Control Files For
Enter the time (in days) before PDFing deletes all the supporting files for a converted spooled-file. The interactive version of PDFing will perform the purge when the program is started. The NT service version will perform the purge once on start-up and repeat the purge at six hours intervals.

This document ©Jane Hearn 2004-20013